房东最常犯的错误 When Renting Out Their Homes - Article Banner

You might be one of the most experienced real estate investors renting out 房屋 in California. 还是有可能犯错的. If you’re a new investor or you happened to fall into the position of being a l和lord, 甚至更容易出错. You can misunderst和 your tenant’s qualifications or under-budget for the maintenance your rental home will require.

As 专业的Visalia物业经理, we often see l和lords make the same mistakes over 和 over again. 有时,它们是代价高昂的错误,会减少你的 租金收入 侵蚀你的投资回报率. 

你犯过这些常见的错误吗? Do you underst和 the consequences 和 the damage they can do to your entire investment experience? 

Let’s identify the easy errors first 和 help you avoid them.


Some of the worst mistakes you can make will potentially l和 you in court. Legal mistakes are almost always a result of not underst和ing the state, 联邦, 以及当地的租赁法律. 当你在加州租房子的时候, 你需要了解租金管制, 保证金法, 拆迁的法律,以及宜居性标准. 

Here are the mistakes you can easily, 和 often unintentionally, make:

  • 公平住房的失误

The fair housing laws in California are actually stricter than the 联邦 fair housing laws. Make sure you know the protected classes 和 underst和 the difference between a pet 和 a service animal. 如果你不知道公平住房的第一件事, 你可能会被处以数千美元的罚款. 你可能会被房客告上法庭. 了解公平住房的含义以及这些 法律适用于租赁 房屋. Even your marketing materials 有 to avoid specific language that could be seen as discriminatory. 

  • 保证金法

There are limits to what you can collect (two months’ rent for unfurnished properties) 和 timelines you need to follow when returning the security deposit (21 days from move-out). It’s also necessary to know what you can 和 cannot deduct from the deposit. Tenants can sue you for up to $10,000 if you make a security deposit mistake. 不要让自己卷入这样的争论. Document everything 和 make sure you only deduct what you can prove is damage.

  • 租金管制和驱逐

加州有严格的 租金控制 法律全州, 在驱逐方面也有特殊性, 还有你是不是要把房客赶出去. First, you need to know if your property is subject to or exempt from these laws. 找出原因,并遵照执行.


Your property’s rental value will depend largely on the market, 和 a lot of 房东犯的错误 of ignoring the market 和 pricing their home according to what they think it’s worth or what they want to earn. 

Another mistake is to underprice the home in a desperate attempt to eliminate vacancy days.  

定价 your property too low means leaving money on the table. It’s also dangerous because you may struggle to ever catch up with the market rents. 

定价过高意味着空置期更长. It will take longer to find someone willing to rent your home at a price that’s too high, 和 you may find yourself losing an entire month’s rent before you lower your asking price 和 find a tenant. 

Take a look at what 房屋 similar to yours are renting for in your neighborhood. 给你的房子定有竞争力的价格,以避免长期空置, 但定价也要有利可图, so you aren’t losing money as soon as a tenant signs the lease. 



Some l和lords forget to provide a set of st和ard qualifying criteria. Others focus on the credit score rather than looking through the credit report for a full financial picture. 

Most commonly, l和lords don’t do a thorough job of evaluating the qualifications of an applicant. It’s a mistake to simply run a credit check 和 then approve or deny the tenant based on a credit score. 

Unqualified tenants can lead to late or unpaid rent, eviction, 和 property damage. 不要犯错误,把租客弄错了. 仔细而持续地筛选, 和 check everything from national eviction reports to income to rental history. 


You need a plan in place for preventative, emergency, 和 routine maintenance. 这是你的首要任务, 和 mistakes are likely to occur if you’re not responding to repair needs right away or taking a preventative approach to maintaining your property. 

Good maintenance policies protect the condition of your investment 和 retain your tenants. 

不要让延迟维护成为一个问题. Make those small repairs immediately, no matter how minor they may seem to you. Reinforce with your tenants the importance of making maintenance requests right away. You don’t want them to leave something unreported just because they don’t think it’s a big deal. 


多任务另一个常见错误? 什么事都想自己做.

自己动手的能量对很多事情都很有用, 但不是租赁, 管理, 维护你的租赁财产. 当涉及到保护你的收入和投资, 你需要一个专业的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩人员. This will make a notable difference in your rental experience 和 your income.  

不要犯什么都想亲力亲为的错误. 你不必这么做. 利用专业知识 当地的Visalia物业经理 有. 我们了解市场, 我们认识这个市场的租户, 和 we know how to position you 和 your property for success. 

These are just a few of the common mistakes we see l和lords make when renting out their 房屋. The best way to avoid them is by working with a qualified Visalia property management company. We can help you earn more 和 spend less by steering clear of these common – 和 often expensive – mistakes. 请通过股权集团与我们联系获取更多信息. 

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